Shawn Michaels Hopes To See Vince McMahon At WWE WrestleMania 39

Earlier today, Haus of Wrestling participated in day one of the WWE WrestleMania 39 media row. All of our interviews, including with Charlotte Flair, Braun Strowman, Legado del Fantasma, and more, are available on Premier Streaming Network. Following the conclusion of today’s media row, Haus of Wrestling was invited to participate in an impromptu WWE NXT Stand & Deliver press conference with Shawn Michaels.

During the press conference, I was able to ask Michaels about the report that Vince McMahon is in town for WWE WrestleMania 39 weekend, if McMahon has had any input on NXT creative, and what he thinks of McMahon’s return to the WWE fold in general. Michaels was measured with his response while being as candid as possible.

“He doesn’t have any sway, at least right now,” Michaels began. “We haven’t seen him, I haven’t seen him this weekend but I have been out here since Monday, doing the tryouts with NXT, which is another subject. But look, it’s WrestleMania, Vince is the one who built all of this. And, again, I understand, I don’t know the way everybody feels but this is still the brand he built.

“For him to want to come out here and be part a part of this show, I think is a perfectly natural thing. I kind of hope that he does. I would like to at least see him because I haven’t gotten the chance to see him in quite some time, just to say hello. But, I hope, just like Hunter, like all of us around here, I hope he is proud of what we put on here this weekend. It has been a huge success so far. I think going in, it has already been deemed a pretty big success. Now all the talent has to do is deliver on that, and I know that’s what their intentions are.”

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