Shayna Baszler: ‘You’ve Never Seen The Last Of Ronda Rousey’ – Exclusive

Tonight, Shayna Baszler and Ronda Rousey’s feud will come to a head when they face off in an MMA Rules match at WWE SummerSlam. Unlike previous MMA-styled bouts that WWE has presented, this encounter will take place in the confines of a WWE ring and not a Lion’s Den or Fight Pit, but it will undoubtedly still deliver when it comes to physicality. Both women have reportedly wanted to work together since Rousey joined WWE, with the UFC Hall of Famer crediting Baszler for getting her into the pro wrestling business.

Despite the compelling build to the bout that began when Baszler turned on Rousey at WWE Money In The Bank, another story related to the match has grabbed fans’ attention: Ronda Rousey’s WWE future. In the last month or so, word has begun to circulate that Rousey has given WWE a “hard out” date for her time with the promotion, with some speculating that she may never return to the WWE fold following the match.

At the WWE SummerSlam media junket, I had the chance to ask Baszler about the rumors that Rousey could soon be done with the company and if fans should expect to see her more in WWE beyond tonight’s premium live event.

“I mean, if I have anything to say about it, she’ll have a hard time eating without a straw,” she said. “But, if I know Ronda Rousey, and I do, you’ve never seen the last of Ronda Rousey. So, you know, whether that be next week or next year? Who knows? We’ll see how this goes tomorrow night, and then we’ll go from there.”

My full conversation with Shayna Baszler will air as part of this Tuesday’s Haus of Wrestling episode, airing first in video form on Premier Streaming Network before being released in audio form on the Haus of Wrestling podcast feed.

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