Grayson Waller Is Still Not Fully Recovered From Injury

Earlier this year, just weeks after WWE WrestleMania 39, Grayson Waller competed in his final NXT match, losing to WWE NXT Champion Carmelo Hayes. While a loss is never welcome, the future was bright for Waller regardless of the match outcome, as he was set to be drafted to Smackdown a few days later. Unfortunately for the loudmouthed young talent, during his match against Hayes, he broke his tibia, sending his immediate WWE plans into disarray.

In an interview with Sporting News Australia, Waller reflected on the injury and addressed how he is feeling health-wise now that he has returned to regular in-ring competition.

“The moment the injury happened, it was definitely daunting,” he said. “I just had a great match with Carmelo Hayes for the NXT Championship; it was what I thought was my last match in NXT. All the emotions and that type of stuff. Once I got that out, I just changed it to focus because, you know, I pay attention to a lot of like guys like Kobe Bryant, David Goggins, those type of guys, where I just saw it as another hurdle, and I didn’t want to let it hold me back.

“And I thought, if I can push through this, and still be on the main roster and still be successful, then I can do anything. And I think that was the hardest I’ve ever worked in my life, and it kind of, in some ways, I think the injury helped because I got the talk show, The Grayson Waller Effect, which is huge right now and having so many big stars, and maybe if I didn’t get hurt, that wouldn’t have happened.

“And it’s just been something I’m pushing through, like, even now, I don’t think I’m 100%, I think I’m maybe 85%, which is, which is frustrating, but, for me, I just see it as potential. If this is what I’m doing at 85%, imagine in six months in Australia when I’m 100%. Everything feels good, and then I’m getting to perform. I’d be really worried if I stood across from Grayson Waller at Elimination Chamber because it’s not gonna go well.”

If you use any quotes from this article, please give a h/t to Haus of Wrestling and credit Sporting News Australia