Seth Rollins To Defend World Title On Next Week’s WWE Raw

After taking part in a harrowing WarGames match this past Saturday at WWE Survivor Series, Seth Rollins appeared live on tonight’s WWE Raw. Rollins dealt with raucous CM Punk chants from the Nashville audience before announcing that he would put his World Heavyweight Championship on the line next week. The challenger? Rollins’ WarGames partner Jey Uso.

The announcement came during a promo from Rollins that was interrupted by Drew McIntyre. Though he initially seemed more composed, McIntyre’s attitude took a sharp turn when Rollins denied him a shot at the title, and the former champion grew violent when it was revealed that Uso had a title shot next week. McIntyre attacked Rollins, with Uso quickly coming to the aid of the champion. Together the two were able to fight McIntyre off, taking him out with stereo Superkicks.

McIntyre has had issues with Uso ever since he arrived on Raw several months back. When Uso was a fully-fledged member of The Bloodline, he assisted Roman Reigns in his match against McIntyre – something the Scottish Warrior still hasn’t forgiven Uso for. McIntyre recently scored a win over Uso, making his anger over Rollins giving him a title shot fairly justified.

A little later in the show, McIntyre was confronted backstage by Sami Zayn. Zayn pointed out that he’s faced many of the same adversities as McIntyre but hasn’t let it affect him the same way. After hearing Zayn out, McIntyre seemed to calm down once again and assured Zayn that he would start working his way back up the singles ladder. Before leaving, McIntyre informed Zayn that it would start with a match between the two of them next week on Raw.