Seth Rollins Takes Latest Shots At ‘Bum’ CM Punk

CM Punk has been back with WWE for just two weeks, and it has already been an eventful ride for the former WWE and AEW World Champion. The moment he stepped out onto the entrance ramp at WWE Survivor Series, World Heavyweight Champion Seth “Freaking” Rollins burst into a profanity-laden tirade that immediately grabbed fans’ attention. Of course, earlier this year, at a WWE 2K event during Royal Rumble weekend, Rollins told me he thought Punk was “a cancer” that he hoped would stay away from the company. Now that Punk is back, Rollins has continued to take shots at him, albeit likely in kayfabe.

Last night, at a WWE Holiday Tour Live Event, Rollins closed out the evening by addressing fans who were chanting “CM Punk” at him.

“I got bad news for all of you chanting his name tonight; I really don’t feel like talking about that bum tonight,” he quipped. “Instead, I’d like to take a second to express my gratitude to each and every one of you guys and spending your Sunday night. From all of us in the back and everyone in WWE, I just wanted to say thank you. Happy holidays; we’ll see you next time; we love you. Now, do me one favor; you’ve been singing my song so beautifully all night long. Let ’em know at State College who the real best in the world is. On three, say it with me. One, two, three…”

The fans then broke out into a divided reaction, with some singing Rollins’ theme song and others continuing to chant for CM Punk. Interestingly, the last angle that Punk ran in AEW was that he was the “Real” AEW World Champion. As The Second City Savior reacclimates to WWE, it is somewhat serendipitous that his first feud may be around who is the “real” best in the world.

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