Randy Orton Hits An RKO Outta Nowhere In Music Video Cameo

Arguably the most star-studded WrestleMania season in years is on the horizon, mainly thanks to several big WWE returns in recent months. Most notably, The Rock, CM Punk, and Randy Orton have all reinserted themselves into the picture and while Orton is perhaps the least certain of the three regarding his WrestleMania plans, it’s hard to imagine The Viper will miss out after his absence from WrestleMania 39 due to his extensive injury hiatus.

Orton has been quick to place himself squarely in the main event scene since his return, now being set to challenge Roman Reigns for the Undisputed WWE Universal Championship at the Royal Rumble later this month alongside AJ Styles and LA Knight. But it’s not just on WWE programming that Orton is finding success as he recently made a cameo in a new music video from a Latin Grammy Award-winning artist!

Earlier today, Eladio Carrión released the music video for his song ‘RKO’ which features a brief appearance from Orton hitting the song’s namesake finishing move. Carrión portrays a baseball player who wins the game by achieving a grand slam and is seen celebrating through the video. At the video’s end, a photographer attempts to take a photo of him on the pitch only for Orton, dressed in his WWE ring gear, to appear quite literally out of nowhere and hit his iconic RKO.

Carrión is bewildered by Orton’s sudden appearance and expresses concern for the photographer but the 14-time world champion tells him to not worry. Orton then admits he’s a huge fan, offers to help Carrión out while he’s in the area, and even asks him to sign a ballcap for him – which the rapper agrees to while still appearing to be somewhat confused. As Orton leaves, he proceeds to give a kick to the incapacitated photographer before walking off-screen.

Orton’s cameo can be seen below from 3:40 to 5:19.