Jeff Hardy Is Open To ‘Bizarre’ AEW Match Against CM Punk

In 2009, Jeff Hardy reached the top of the WWE mountain when he captured the World Heavyweight Championship in a brutal ladder match against Edge at Extreme Rules. The moment was fleeting, however, as reigning Mr. Money In The Bank, CM Punk, quickly made his way to the ring to take advantage of the battered Hardy, stripping him of his newly won gold after back-to-back Go To Sleep finishers.

From there, the two men embarked on a feud that lasted across several PPVs and featured both getting very personal in their promos. Punk wore his disdain for Hardy’s hard-partying lifestyle on his sleeve while putting over the straight-edge lifestyle he leads. Ultimately, the feud culminated at SummerSlam in a Loser Leaves WWE match, which Hardy lost.

In an interview with Muscle Man Malcolm, Jeff Hardy commented on the possibility of another match against Punk, this time in AEW.

“Yeah, I haven’t thought about a match that much,” he began. “I mean, I have a little bit, but I just think that what I’ve seen more than anything is there’s just a huge moment between me and CM Punk just because of the history alone, you know?”

Just before AEW hit the road for their series of shows in Canada, Hardy was written off TV on an episode of Dynamite after an attack by Bullet Club Gold. Punk ran in for the save, but before they could share space, Hardy rolled out of the ring, something Malcolm mentioned.

“Even before that, I was like, ‘I’m not gonna get close to Punk, am I?'” he posited. “I think we’d be throwing away a huge moment there for the future. So yeah, ultimately, I can see us having another match. I think it would be bizarre in the best of ways.”

Muscle Man Malcolm will join me next Tuesday, July 31, for Haus of Wrestling, airing in video form at Noon EST on Premier Streaming Network and rolling out on the Haus of Wrestling podcast feed shortly after.

If you use any quotes from this article, please give a h/t to Haus of Wrestling and credit Muscle Man Malcolm