Sam Adonis Says Dangerous TripleMania Spot Wasn’t Planned – Exclusive

Sam Adonis has become one of the most hated men in all of Lucha Libre. Currently, he’s embroiled in a feud with Psycho Clown, but recently, on night two of TripleMania XXXI, the wrestlers teamed together to take on AEW’s Rush El Toro Blanco and L.A. Park in a violent tag team match. By the end of the bout, everyone was covered in blood, but arguably, no one bled more than Adonis.

In an exclusive Haus of Wrestling interview, Adonis commented on one particularly dangerous spot that he didn’t know would be happening until the match was going on.

“Honestly, to be fair, as it was happening, I was pissed off,” he began. “At AAA, it’s like, you know, the mystery box where you reach into the box and see what you pull out. I had no idea glass was gonna be involved in the match. Didn’t plan on it. My two rules in wrestling: No glass, no fire. They’re too unpredictable, I don’t want to mess with that. We’re fighting on the outside of the ring. We end up back in the ring, and I see a sheet of glass out of the corner of my eye, and I’m like, ‘What the hell?’

“I’m thinking, ‘No, no, no, no, get away from that as far as I can.’ And in the time it took me to turn around, I was already up, and I was thrown into the glass. And, oh, it scared me more than anything, but it was like, ‘Oh, okay, that didn’t hurt that bad.’ And then, a few hours later, later, the adrenaline rushed off, and it did end up stinging quite a bit. The ride home wasn’t fun. Hugo Savinovich is cleaning me up in the hotel lobby so that I could get my bandages off to shower properly, it was quite an experience.

“But, it was one of those things where at least the justification for it, at least there were 15,000 people there. At least I was being paid very handsomely to do it. You know? I see so much of this just because, you know? Everybody wants to do it just because, ‘Oh, I saw this guy do this. So, let’s do this because,’ and if you’re gonna do it, at least it was TripleMania. It was a huge show.

“I’m not gonna look for it to happen again. I’m not gonna, you know, ‘Hey, that’s my new thing. I’m a deathmatch, guy.’ Get the hell out of here with that. It happened. There’s a couple of scars on my back that will be there for the rest of my life, but the show goes on. I had to wrestle Sunday afternoon in Anaheim, California and had antiseptic through my back. I had to wrestle with a t-shirt on, and then I wrestled once again on Tuesday night, Wednesday night, and Friday night. It is what it is. Let’s put it this way, Terry Funk would be proud.”

Sam Adonis will battle Rush El Toro Blanco, Psycho Clown, and L.A. Park is a Four-Way Hair Vs. Mask match on the final night of AAA TripleMania XXXI, August 12, in Mexico City. Tickets for the event can be purchased HERE.

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