Montez Ford Gives Insight Into Pairing With Bobby Lashley – Exclusive

Montez Ford and Angelo Dawkins have been giving WWE fans the smoke, whether they like it or not, since they began tagging together as The Street Profits in 2016. In the years since, they have gone on to become WWE NXT, Raw, and Smackdown Tag Team Champions, achieving the distinction of being the second tag team in WWE history to reach that triple crown milestone. In recent weeks, Bobby Lashley has been trying to form an alliance with the two men in a quest to take over WWE Smackdown. The past Friday night, his wish came true as the men all clinked wine glasses and made their new faction official and declared they would bring “new blood” to WWE’s blue brand.

In a Haus of Wrestling exclusive interview conducted in Detroit during WWE SummerSlam week, I asked Ford about The Street Profits aligning with the former leader of The Hurt Business.

“I think it’s just two guys just following someone they watched and idolized growing up, you know?” he began. “He’s taking us under his wing, you know? He’s been under this realm for a long time, and he’s had a lot of success, and maybe us following him could obtain to us obtaining more success. At least, that’s the way I see it, you know?”

I pointed out to the tag star that all of Lashley’s biggest accomplishments came in the form of solo wins; the former Bellator fighter is a two-time WWE Champion, two-time United States Champion, and three-time Intercontinental Champion. I pressed Ford on whether he is looking for a mentor like Lashley to help him transition into being a solo star himself.

“I can’t believe this,” he shot back. “I’ve had all my success as a tag team competitor, man. Everyone just has all this faith in me as a solo or singles competitor. That’s crazy. Don’t you think? That’s a little ludicrous. All my success has been with a tag team. How can you have faith in someone who’s a tag team competitor? Ah, disgusting.”

My response to Ford was pretty straightforward; I think fans just want to see what he would look like outside of being in a tag team.

“Look like?” he asserted. “What do I look like outside of that? No one’s even seen it. That’s scary. Do you know how scary that is? That’s frightening. Don’t you know how many people are in fear of the unknown? Do you know how scary the unknown is? Do you know how scary the unknown is? Do you know how scary the unknown is? Do you know how scary the unknown is? Come on, man. You don’t want to go there.”

My full Haus of Wrestling exclusive interview with Ford can now be found on the Haus of Wrestling YouTube channel and podcast feed, as well as on Premier Streaming Network.

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