The Rock Teases Huge Match On WWE Raw Day 1

Tonight’s episode of WWE Raw teased that a former WWE Champion would be appearing on the show, and a former WWE Champion they got: Jinder Mahal. For those unaware, Mahal, who was largely seen in WWE NXT in 2023, won the WWE Championship at Backlash 2017 when he defeated Randy Orton. Mahal’s run may not have gotten the same love as those of The Rock, Steve Austin, or others, but it’s a distinction he holds nonetheless.

Once in the ring, Mahal went about making derogatory comments about the United States and the fans in attendance. He said that the United States has become divided and overrun with misinformation. On top of that, he feels the United States is no longer a mega power but instead a joke. After that, he began to speak in Punjabi, eliciting boos which became louder when he revealed he was saying the United States national anthem.

Mahal then threatened to cut another promo in Punjabi but was cut off by a familiar theme song, The Rock’s. The Brahma Bull emerged at the top of the entrance ramp to a massive reaction and made his way to the ring, where Mahal was still standing. The two men briefly stared each other down as the fans chanted “Rocky” before they got to business on their microphones.

“You are in trouble tonight!” Rock began before putting over The Iron Sheik, whom he felt Mahal was trying to do a poor imitation of. So, he decided to do his own impression of Sheik, which was amazingly spot on.

Mahal responded by saying The Rock was the people’s champion to all these “jingoistic people” whom he would personally be disgusted to represent. The Rock shot back that he was a proud American who was happy to say that “The Rock has finally come back to San Diego.” Big pop from the hometown crowd.

Rock explained that the fans do not boo Mahal because of how he looks or how he talks but because he is “the biggest a–hole walking God’s green Earth.” He continued on saying that nobody liked Mahal because he was not a nice guy or funny. So, if he was one of The Rock’s movies, he’d be Baywatch, which Mahal claimed not to see, and Rock shot back, “IT DOESN’T MATTER!”

Rock then went on to defend the United States and how the only reason Mahal is allowed to say what he is saying is because of the freedom of speech. He then had the crowd chant “Day One Douchebag” at Mahal, which everyone seemed to enjoy. Rock then said he was going to sing a verse from the national anthem for Mahal and delivered a modified version that ended by saying he was going to kick Mahal’s candy ass.

Mahal then attempted to attack Rock, but the tables quickly turned, and he found himself on the receiving end of a big spinebuster from the Hollywood star. Rock then hit The People’s Elbow and whipped Mahal a few times with his belt, getting the fans chanting “Rocky” again.

The multi-time former Champion and former WrestleMania main eventer closed out the segment by asking fans if tonight when he goes to dinner, he should sit AT THE HEAD OF THE TABLE. Obviously, this was a major tease that Rock is open to a match against Undisputed WWE Universal Champion Roman Reigns, likely at WrestleMania 40.